
Showing posts from December, 2018

Commentary on "The Year Justice Caught up with Trumpworld"

The article written by Michelle Goldberg, The Year Justice Caught up with Trumpworld , was published to the New York Times on December 14, 2018. The article itself is a commentary on how the people surrounding Trump are dropping like flies. The audience intended would be anyone who wants to read about politics or how the Trump Administration is doing. The article is embedded with links through out to back up her claims, as she is basically listing what people like Steve Wynn, Scott Pruitt, and David Sorensen have done, with links to the evidence. I appreciated as a reader how she included the links because in the past I have read articles that I could not find reliable sources for. Michelle Goldberg is also a Pulitzer Prize winner for her work with a team that wrote about work place harassment, so to me her credibility as a reporter is solid. The article made me realize that the Trump administration is actually getting repercussions. Maybe not as many as I would like, but enough that I...

Commentary on Should Birth Control be Free Preventative Care

I agree with the writer of Should Birth Control Be Free Preventative care .  I appreciate how the writer included the many benefits birth control has instead of just the obvious.  Birth Control is not just a way to prevent pregnancy as it helps in so many other ways. Personally, I take birth control as a way to prevent infertility and the risk of ovarian cancer because I was diagnosed with PCOS ( Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).  This is not some rare diagnoses, as one in ten women have PCOS. I am fortunate enough to afford my birth control, but many others are not. So does that mean they deserve to suffer? How do we let millions of women suffer when there is such a simple solution? As the writer says "ones health should not have a price tag", but sadly it is the reality in America.

The United States should provide a Universal Health Care

The United States is one of the only "developed" countries to not have some kind of universal health care implemented for the population, and that needs to change. Americans, as always, hate change. We have always been stuck in our ways, but it is time for us to catch up. One of the biggest arguments against a universal health care system is the price. The United States is already spending up to $10,000 per person yearly.    But when you look at countries that have a universal healthcare system, they are spending almost half as much.  Sure it might take some time, but in the long run we would be saving money if we developed a similar system. If other developed countries have pulled it off, why can we not do it? One of the most common reason people file for bankruptcy in America is because they can not afford medical bills.  Countless families are torn apart every year when medical bills get too high. Our people should have the right of free health care. The rich ...