Comment on "We should build a wall between the United States and Mexico"



I agree that we should not build a wall between the Untied States and Mexico. It does not seem practical because a majority of people coming over are coming by air and like you said "using their visa's wrong". Your comment about them not taking our jobs rings very true to me. They are taking the labor jobs that most Americans do not want to do in the first place, and if an immigrant were to get a high profile job then good for them because they probably would have had to work twice as hard to get there. They are most likely coming to America to escape poverty, abusive governments, or high drug and crime rates. I agree that the wall is not being built on the precaution of safety, it seems more like an egotistical power play on Trumps part. Immigrants are the backbone of our country, they are human beings like the rest of us, so they deserve a chance too.

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